[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
July 11th 1912]
Present Dr. Whitford, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Kirkwood & Mr. Coffey.
Minutes The Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed.
Formation of The Assistant Secretary was instructed to write to
Amateur team Mr. W. Steadman informing him that we proposed
forming an Amateur team to join the Wednesday
League and to ask if we could be admitted to
such League and for full particulars.
Painting Tenders from Beszant Son & Co. and S. R. Henshaw & Son
for painting the corrugated roof (inside & out) of
the goal double decker and the outside gates and
entrances in Goodison Road and Goodison Place
with two coats of best oil paint were submitted - the
former agreed to do the work at a cost of £108 and
the latter at a cost of £110. Both these tenders
were declined and that of Messrs Alcock & Backhouse,
submitted at the last meeting, who tendered to do
the work for £65 was accepted. Mr. Kelly was
to meet Messrs Alcock & Backhouse at the ground
and make arrangements with them.
Houldsworth Mr. Kelly and Mr. Kirkwood were to go to Preston
with full powers re Houldsworth.
McManus That Mr. Swan on his return was to see McManus
and endeavour to get this player to come to us on
a two months trial.
Ferguson Mr. Swan was also to make further inquiries re Ferguson