
		Thos. Keates	to	Frances James Bray
				3 (15/-) shares 642/4
		     do		to	Wm. Seddon
				3 15/- shares 2170/2172
		H. Cutts Junr.	to	Ellen Gibbins
				1 (15/-) share 518 1 (fp) 2303
		G. M. Briscoe	to	Ellen Dickinson
				1 15/- share 683 1 (fyp) 2199
		     do		to	Jno. Lawson
				1 (15/-) share 684
		H. W. Hagestadt	to	George Walton
				3 (15/-) shares 1699 to 1701
		Jos. Hughes	to	Edith C. Morris
				3 15/- shares 1374/6
		     do		to	Albert Morris
				3 15/- shares 1371/3
		     do		to	Chas. G. Gregson
				3 15/- shares 1377/9
		Thos. F. Lamb	to	Frank Lamb
				2 15/- shares 264/5
		T. P. Bell	to	Rd. Tickle
				3 15/- shares Nos. 337/9

		The Engagement of
		Robert C. Graham at £3 per week Bonus £10
		James McCulloch at £3 per week Bonus £10
		were confirmed.

					William Whitford