
Pinkney		An application by Merthyr Town for the loan
		of Pinkney was declined.

W. C. Jordan	The Secretary was instructed to give W. C.
		Jordan his league transfer to Wolverhampton

Increased	The Secretary's action in making the 22nd
Wages		inst. the date of the first payment of £4.10.0
		per week to Maconnachie, Makepeace,
		Harris & Stevenson was confirmed.

Womack		The Secretary reported that Birmingham
		would not transfer Womack.

Fixtures	Sheffield United's request to clear our
		fixture on the date of the 3rd round of the
		English Cup was declined.

Insurance	The question of insurance of players and other
under		employees was considered & it was
National	resolved that all our players and other
Insurance Act	employees be insured & advised to join
		the Prudential Assurance Co.

Transfers of	Eliza Brooks	to	Wm. Miller
Shares				3 (15/-) shares 816 2035 2036
		H. Cutts	to	Walter S. Roberts
				3 (15/-) shares 2486/8
		Geo. Smith	to	Jno. Lawson
				1 (15/-) share 762
		Geo. Smith	to	Wm. Beatty
			1 (15/-) 761 1 fully paid share 2396