
		40% per cent.
		Resolved that the tender of Maden & McKee
		be accepted.

Fixtures	The Secretary was instructed to write local
		clubs to apply for fixtures with us.

Collyer		Dr. Baxter was requested to make full
		enquiries re Collyer the Crystal Palace
		Full back & report.

Houldsworth	The Secretary was instructed to make
		similar enquiries from Preston North End re
		Houldsworth and also from Stockport.

Godwin		County re Godwin.

Practice games	The Secretary read letters of thanks from
			Stanley Hospital and
			Hospital Saturday Fund
		for prospective shares of practice game

Meunier		The Secretary reported that Meunier had
		signed for Lincoln.
Doran		and Doran for Pontypridd.

		The Secretary was instructed to allow Lincoln
		until October 1 for the payment of Meunier's
		transfer fee.

Compensation	The Secretary submitted draft of proposed
		Letter to the League hereon & same was