235 Moore The Secretary was instructed to make further enquiries re Moore & report. Division 3 That Dr. Baxter had been elected a Divisional Representative on the Council of the F.A. Tiling &c. That no further tender herefor had been received & it was resolved that the tender of J. B. Johnson for £12.16.0 be accepted. Painting That he had invited tenders for painting the Corrugated roof (inside & out) of the goal double decker and the outside gate & entrances in Goodison Rd. & Goodison Place with two coats of best oil paint from Messrs Alcock & Backhouse and A. J. McCulloch. That the latter declined to tender and that the former had tendered to do the work for £65. He was instructed to ask Alcock & Backhouse to submit an analysis of the paint they propose to supply & to submit same to the next meeting. Tenders for purchase of The Secretary submitted the following offers scrap iron R. Spencer:- lead & copper Iron 40/- per ton Lead £12 copper 4 per lb Carr 32/6 " " 70/- for the lead & copper Maden & McKee Iron 42/6 per ton lead 13/- per cent Brass & copper