
		time in which to pay the £100 balance of
		Magner's transfer fee was granted.

Armstrong	Harris having given an unfavourable report
		on this player it was resolved to do nothing.

Programmes	Mr. E. A. Morton's tender for a renewal of the
		privileges for the sale of programmes and
		literature at Goodison Park from August 1st 1912
		to April 30th 1913 at a rental of £85 was

F.A. Division 3 The nomination of Dr. Baxter as a candidate for
		the Council representing Division 3 was confirmed
		and the nomination paper duly filled.

		The Secretary reported the receipt of £1:14:2
		from the City Caterers Coy. being 10% of the gross
		takings of the Refreshment Stall under the
		Shareholders Stand also of the sum of £435
		compensation from West Bromwich Albion F.C.

Fleetwood	The Secretary was instructed to pay Mrs. M. Thomas
		16/- expenses incurred during the recent illness of
		Tom Fleetwood.

		The Secretary submitted tender from J. B. Johnson & Son
		for retiling the plunge baths and he was instructed
		to obtain a further tender from Messrs Bird of

		The Directors afterwards adjourned to the ground
		and it was resolved that the roof of the Bullens