229 2d. 4d. & 6d. The Secretary was instructed to inquire from Liverpool what charges they proposed to make and to fix the same for our practice games. League Annual The Chairman reported that the payment of Meeting £4:10:0 per week to those players eligible was made a rule of the League. That we had been awarded £60: 15/- compensation from Bolton Wanderers in respect of our claim against them for £196:10/-. Considerable discussion ensued and the Secretary was instructed to draft a letter to the Management Committee to ascertain upon what basis such compensation claims in future were to be made and to submit such letter to the next meeting of Directors. League Resolved that Messrs Leening, J. K. Lloyd and Linesman A. Lomax be nominated. Liverpool Resolved that Mr. W. R. Clayton be nominated County F.A. as Vice President and that Dr. Whitford be nominated to represent the Club at the Annual Meeting on Friday June 7th and at the Central League Annual meeting on June 12th. The action of the deputation in promising a donation of Ten guineas to bring the McGregor fund to the required amount was confirmed and a cheque for that sum ordered to be sent to the Treasurer of the League.