228 Liverpool F.C. asking for his transfer and it was resolved to send Berry's transfer to him. Election of Dr. Baxter proposed, Mr. Kirkwood seconded that Chairman Dr. Whitford be re-elected to the chair - Mr. Kelly proposed, Mr. Coffey seconded that Mr. W. R. Clayton be elected Chairman - on being put to the vote it was resolved that Dr. Whitford be re-elected Chairman. Finance Resolved that Messrs Allman, Clayton, Coffey, Committee Davies and Whitford constitute the Finance Committee. Other Resolved that all other Committees consist of the Committees whole of the Directors. Day & hour Resolved that the Directors meetings be held at of Meeting 7 o'clock on Tuesday evenings at the offices Goodison Park and that four Directors form a quorum. Captain first team J. S. Maconnachie Sub-Captain " F. Jefferis Captain second team J. Gourlay Sub-Captain do A. Browell Resolved that the players be instructed to return for training on August 1st. Resolved that two public practice games be held namely on Augt. 24th & 28th and that the proceeds be allocated equally between the Hospital Saturday Fund and the Stanley Hospital.