
[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
June 6th 1912.]

Present		All the Directors.

Minutes		The minutes of two meetings and of the Annual
		Meeting were read and confirmed.

Houston		The Secretary read a letter dated 22nd May 1912
		from Linfield F.C. asking for the transfer of
		Houston and he was instructed to reply declining
		same but that we would be prepared to continue
		the negotiations so soon as Houston was in a position
		to play for us.

King		Partick Thistle's letter of the 24th ulto hereon was
		read and it being reported that King was disposed
		to consumption the deputation to Scotland was
		instructed to made full inquiries as to his physical
		condition and report.

Scott & Allen	The Secretary reported that the League had
		reduced Scott's transfer fee to £400 and Allen's
		to £100.

Proxies		The Secretary received from the Directors the sum of
		£4:5:4 being the cost of the proxies.

McManus		Mr. Kirkwood having reported on this player it was
		resolved to do nothing meantime.

A. Berry	The Secretary read a letter from Arthur Berry
		declining to meet the deputation also a letter from