
Vote of		A unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to the
thanks		three retiring Directors for their services.

Ballot boxes 	It was unanimously resolved that in future the
		voting papers be collected in ballot boxes.

Election of	Mr. Bush proposed, Mr. Goodge seconded and
Auditors	it was unanimously resolved that Messrs T. Theodore
		Rogers Bowler & Co. be reappointed Auditors to the
		Company at a fee of Fifty guineas.

Good Friday	Mr. Taggart proposed that the Club do not participate
Football	in football matches on Good Friday - the same
		was put to the meeting and declared lost by a
		large majority.

List of Players	The Secretary read a list of players engaged for
engaged for	next season.
season 1912/13	In reply to a question by a Shareholder the
		Chairman stated that the Directors had decided not
		to offer Scott a re engagement for next season.

Social Evenings A suggestion by a Shareholder that during the
		forthcoming season the Directors should hold a
		series of social evenings was offered to the Directors
		for their consideration.

Voting		The result of the voting was as follows:-
			Mr. D. Kirkwood		360
			Mr. W. R. Clayton	346
			Mr. Andrew Coffey	326
			Mr. E. A. Bainbridge	211