
Election of 	The following names were submitted to the
Directors	Shareholders for the election of 3 Directors:-
				Mr. E. A. Bainbridge
				Mr. W. R. Clayton
				Mr. Andrew Coffey
				Mr. Daniel Kirkwood
		The Auditor, Mr. Bowler, allotted the proxies as
		C. S. Baxter	6	Messrs Clayton & Kirkwood	20
		W. R. Clayton	1	D. Kirkwood			 4
		A. R. Wade	1	T. Grieve			 5
		Dr. Whitford	5	H. Allman			 3
		T. Bickerstaff	1	E. A. Bainbridge		69
			E. Green	107
			A. Coffey	1
			E. A. Bainbridge & D. Kirkwood 2

		The Chairman proposed and it was unanimously
		resolved "that the election be by ballot"

Scrutineers	The following were appointed Scrutineers:-
			Messrs:-	C. McKie
					P. Nelson
					R. Nelson
					T. Grieve
					J. Davies Jr.
					J. Cross
					K. Rowlands