£3 per week & had applied to the League
for a reduction of his transfer & the Secy.
was instructed to inform the League
that an offer of reengagement had
been made to him.
Proxies The Secretary submitted an a/c from
McCalls for printing & stamping Proxies
for Annual Meeting on May 23 1912
amounting to £4.5.4.
Lanc. F.A. The Chairman was deputed to represent
the club at Southport tomorrow at
the Lanc. F.A. Annual Meeting.
McManus The Secretary having read Mr. Swan's
report hereon & that McManus could
be got for £35. Mr. Kirkwood was
deputed to make enquiries & to
report thereon.
Annual The Secretary reported that he had
Meeting supplied lists to the Auditors:-
a. of Proxy Holders
b. of Proxy givers
c. of Shareholders without Votes
d. of Shareholders with 2 Votes
The Secretary presented Proxies from
231 shareholders and reported that
in four instances proxies had been
duplicated, in 11 other instances
proxies were unaccompanied by order.