211 Date and place Resolved that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Annual Meeting be held at the Central Hall Renshaw Street. Liverpool on May 23rd 1912. Proxy forms Resolved that proxy forms be sent out with the Balance Sheet, the same to be charged to the Directors personally. It was decided that the attendance of the Solicitors to the Company at the Annual Meeting was unnecessary. Resolved that in place of the customary admission note an Order be sent out the Balance Sheet entitling the Shareholder to exchange same for a voting paper on entering the meeting. Re-engagement The following engagements were confirmed:- of Players William Murray 25/- and 50/- per week W. E. Gault 45/- and 50/- " " J. E. D. Robinson 20/- and 30/- " " Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares were passed:- Mary Tipping to John Dickinson 3 partly paid shares 1189/1191 Harold Baxter to W. Lovelady do 20,1731/2 do to J. W. Davidson do 11,12 & 13 do to M. Davidson do 14,15 & 16 do to R. Davidson do 17,18 & 19 E. D. Baxter to E. B. Pemberton do 845/7 do to J. Notan do 848/850 do to Fred Storey do 851/3 J. G. Turner to E. Johnson do 248/250