208 Dividend The payment to the Bankers of £92.2.3 in respect of 1910/11 Dividend was confirmed. League Resolved that the present management Mgmt. Cee. Committee be nominated. Swan The Secretary read Mr. Swan's reports. Montgomery Resolved we do nothing with this Oldham player. Houston The Secretary read the whole of the Correspondence from Houston & Linfield & he was instructed to go to Belfast tomorrow & endeavour to engage Houston on best terms. Merit Money The payments as follows were passed Scott 19. 8. 6 Beare 15.15 Berry 10. 6 Smith 4. 4 Stevenson 16.16 Jefferis 18.18 Holbem 5.15. 6 Gourlay 8. 8 Maconnachie 16. 5. 6 Gracie 3. 3 Meunier 10.6 Lacey 3. 3 Balmer 10.6 Bradshaw 11. 0. 6 Harris 17.17. 0 Browell.T.8.18. 6 Allan 2. 2 Burton 6. 6 Young 3.13. 6 Davidson 13. 2. 6 Fleetwood 17.17 Uren 4. 4. 0 Makepeace 17.17 Elliott 5. 5. Grenyer 1.11. 6 Weller 10. 6 Transfers Clement & Eugenie Baxter to Geo. A. Lawson