
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
		April 30th 1912]

Present		All the Directors.

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were read &

Titanic Fund	The Secretary reported that the arrangements
		herein were well in hand.

Reengagement	Gault at 45/- & 55/- per week
of Players	Bromilow at 15/- per week
		Uren at £4 per week.

Jno. Allan	The Directors confirmed Saturday's decision
		not to reengage Jno. Allan but increased
		his transfer fee from £100 to £250.

Murray		The Secretary was instructed to offer Wm.
		Murray an engagement at 25/- & 50/-.

		The League & Central Retain & Transfer
		lists were approved as attached.

Nomination	The Secretary reported the receipt of
to Directorate	nominations of Mr. Bainbridge to the

Place of	The Secretary was instructed to endeavour to
Meeting		arrange for the Rotunda Lecture Hall for the
		Annual Meeting.