198 The Secretary's action in sending cheque for £100 - Tottenham's fee for the transfer of Caldwell to the League with notice of appeal was confirmed. Hodge The engagement of Wm. Hodge at £3 per week with a bonus of £5 was confirmed. The Secretary was instructed to place the players open to transfer on the Central League list at half the League prices. Jno Allan Resolved that the consideration of this player be deferred pending the result of the Secretary's enquiries re Mercer right half of Hearts F.C. Compensation Resolved we do not make any claim for Compensation against Woolwich. The Secretary reported having formally claimed compensation from Bolton Wanderers & West Bromwich Albion & the details of such claims were approved. Murray Resolved that formal application be made to Burslem Port Vale for the re- transfer of Wm. Murray & that an engagement be offered him for next season. League Line Resolved that Mr. Leaning be one of