
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
		Park April 25th 1912.]

Present		All the Directors except Dr. Baxter.

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting & of the
		Finance Meeting were read & confirmed.

Titanic Fund	The F.A. having sanctioned the L'pool
		Cup tie Everton v L'pool at Goodison
		Park on May 4 the receipts, after
		payment of £100 to the L'pool County
		F.A. to be handed over to the Titanic
		Disaster Fund.
		It was resolved that same be carried
		out: the collection on Monday realized £5.12.2.

Re-engagement	The following were confirmed.
of players	Makepeace, Maconnachie, Harris &
		Stevenson at £4 & £4.10. each Caldwell,
		Browell, A. Browell T. Beare, Bradshaw,
		Davidson,  Gourlay, Holbem, Jefferis,
		Fleetwood & Smith at £4 each.
		Hodge and Grenyer at £3 each.
		Chedgzoy at 45/- & 55/-.

		Gault's application for better terms than
		45/- & 55/- was not acceded to.

		The engagement of
		J. H. Caldwell at £4 per week Bonus
		£10 & a fee of £500 to Reading
		was confirmed.