
		the League held on June 13: 1910 permission was
		given to Clubs to pay such players who had
		completed two years service on or before June 13: 1912
		a salary not exceeding £4:10/- per week but such
		increase was not to operate until after June 13: 1912.
		It was thereupon resolved that the Secretary offer
		engagements at £4 per week from May 1st to June 13th
		and at £4:10:0 per week for the remainder of season
		1912-1913, to the following players:- J. S. Maconnachie,
		Wm. Stevenson, Val Harris and H. Makepeace.
		The following at £4 per week :- J. H. Caldwell,
		W. Holbem, T. Fleetwood, A. Browell, G. Beare, F. Jefferis,
		T. Browell, F. Bradshaw, J. E. Smith, H. J. Uren, W. Davidson
		and J. Gourlay.
		The following players:- W. Hodge £3, W. Bromilow 15/-,
 Wants £3	A. Grenyer £2:10/- &  £3, S. Chedgzoy £2:5/- & £2:15/-,
 Wants 50/- & 60/- W. E. Gault £2:5/- & £2:15/- and T. J. D. Robinson £1 & 30/-.
 no.		Resolved that the following players be not re engaged
		and that they be put on the open to transfer list at
 Central League the following prices:- William Scott £800,
		C. H. Berry £150, R. Balmer £500, J. B. Meunier £100,
 ½		L. C. Weller £250, W. Davies free, J. D. Taylor free,
		E. Pinkney £150, A. D. Burton £100, C. Doran free.
		The consideration of John Allan was left over.

		The Secretary was instructed to continue all other players
		on the retain and open to transfer lists respectively as
		last season.

Nominations for	The Secretary reported that he had received three
Directorate	nominations of Mr. Andrew Coffey to a seat on the
						W. Whitford