
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
		April 22nd 1912.]

Present		All the Directors except Messrs Baxter & Clayton.

Reports		The League and Central League games were

Titanic disaster It was resolved Liverpool Football Club agreeing, that
		subject to the consent of the Football Association that the
		Central League match Everton v Liverpool fixed for the
		29th instant should be played here on the 25th instant
		and that the final tie of the Liverpool County Cup
		should be played at Goodison Park on May 4th and
		that the shares in the Cup Tie gate receipts due to
		Everton and Liverpool respectively should be handed
		over by them to the Titanic Disaster Fund.

Team v Liverpool		J. H. Caldwell
Reserve &		L. C. Weller	J. N. Meunier
Bury Reserve	    J. Allan		A. Browell	A. Grenyer
		S. Chedgzoy T. J. D. Robinson W. E. Gault A. D. Burton
		W. Davidson

Team v Bury			W. Scott
			W. Holbem	J. S. Maconnachie
		    V. Harris  T. Fleetwood  H. Makepeace
		J. E. Smith F. Jefferis T. Browell J. Gourlay H. J. Uren

Director on Gate April  25 Mr. Kelly
    do			27 Mr. Wilson

Increased Wages	The Secretary reported that at the Annual Meeting of