189 discontinuance of such practice. Montgomery The Secretary was instructed to offer £300 for Montgomery. Team v Blackburn Wm. Scott Rovers Balmer Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Browell Bradshaw Davidson Rovers Res. Berry Weller Meunier Allen Browell Grenyer Chedgzoy Gourlay Gault Burton Robinson Bolton Wands. Berry Res. Weller Meunier Allen Browell Grenyer Smith Gourlay Gault Burton Uren Director on gate - Mr. Clayton to Bolton - Dr. Whitford The Secretary reported the receiptoif £6.6.9 our share of the Nomads receipts. Re-engagement Resolved that of players Wm. Scott 4 J. S. Maconnachie 4 Wm. Stevenson 3/10 & 4/ / W. Holbem 4 V. Harris 4 T. Fleetwood 3/10/ H. Makepeace 4 A. Grenyer 50/- & 60/- A. Browell 4 G. Beare 3 & 4 F. Jefferis 4 T. Browell 4