[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
March 19th 1912]
Present All the Directors except Mr. Davies.
Minutes The Minutes of last meeting were read &
Swindon The Secretary reported the receipt of £440.
15.0 from Swindon.
Noden The deputation to Shrewsbury reported
that this Goalkeeper was very poor.
Smith & The engagement of Jos. Smith & A. Browell
Browell at the maximum salary & bonus respectively
with a fee of £1650 to Hull City was confirmed.
Houston The Secretary reported that this Linfield
professional was a first class player &
well worth engaging but that as he
had in January purchased his discharge
from the Army the F.A. would not register
him until after the expiration of 12 months.
That the Linfield Club required a match
at Belfast & £350 for his transfer.
The Secretary was instructed to negotiate
for a match at Linfield on March 30 &
that all above £150 should be credited
to us in reduction of whatever fee was
agreed upon for the transfer of Houston to
us in January 1913 sound and well; and
that if negotiations for such transfer fail