179 [Special Meeting of the Directors held at Bradford Hotel March 18 1912] Present Dr. Whitford Chair Messrs Allman Clayton Davies Kirkwood Wade Semifinal The Chairman reported that he had on Saturday wired the F.A. protesting against the Semifinal Tie being played at Anfield on the 30th inst. as that was a date upon which we alone had the right to be at home & it was resolved that the letter of protest prepared & submitted by the Secretary be sent to the F.A. Further resolved that the Secretary send a copy of such letter to Mr. J. C. Clegg & at the same time to ask him if our playing Woolwich on that date would be considered discourteous to the F.A. Further resolved that we do not arrange for Woolwich to come here on the 20th inst. & that the selection of a suitable date be deferred until Tuesday. William Whitford