176 Moreton Resolved that Mr. Clayton endeavour to secure Moreton's signature to an Amateur League form with a view to giving him a few games. Kitchen & Torrence The clubs replied that they would not transfer these players. Malcolm Plymouth wrote asking £750: no action. Jo. Smith & Mr. Allman & the Secretary were deputed to A. Browell go to Hull with full powers & if they were secured Smith was selected to play in the League team & A. Browell in the Central League team on Saturday. Houston Mr. Kirkwood & the Secretary was deputed to go to Belfast with full powers re Houston. Scott & In view of the injury to Bromilow & the state Harris of the League Championship it was unanimously resolved that permission could not be granted to Scott & Harris to play for Ireland on Saturday next. Team v Scott Mchester City Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Browell Bradshaw Wren Davidson & Holbem reserves. Team v City Whelan Res. Balmer Meunier