174 to pay Gourlay £3 for the Bury cup tie. Assessmt. The Secretary reported that a Provisional valuation of our property had been fixed at Ground £10000 Buildings £20000 ------ Total £30000 ------ Approved Transfer of J. C. Baxter to D. Camella Shares 3 shares 15/- 60, 61 & 62 do to G. Garston 3 shares 15/- 63, 64, 65 do to A. G. Raby 3 shares 15/- 66, 67, 68 Wm. Jackson to R. J. Barry 3 shares 15/- 101, 102, 103 do to R. Hodgson 3 shares 15/- 104, 105, 106 do to R. Hughes 3 shares 15/- 107, 108, 109 do to A. M. Dickinson 1 share 15/- 110 1 free 2301 Passed. The Secretary submitted declaration as to lost certificates & indemnity by Mr. W. Jackson & same was accepted. William Whitford