173 Team v Scott Swindon Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Browell Bradshaw Davidson Gourlay reserve v Lincoln Bromilow City Holbem Meunier Allan Weller Grenyer Chedgzoy Pinkney Gault Burton Uren Robinson Reserve Directors to Swindon - Messrs Whitford, Wade, Allman & Wilson, Kelly & Kirkwood. to Lincoln None to Worksop on Thursday & Shrewsbury on Saty. J. D. Taylor In case of a draw the replay to be on Thursday. Moreton Mr. Davies Young &c. Gainsboro Mr. Davies The Secretary was instructed to enquire re Kitchen Kitchen Sheffd. United Torrance Torrance Bradford City Malcolm Plymouth Moore Glossop Downs Barnsley Gourlay Notice was given to move a resolution