[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
Park February 28 1912]
Present Dr. Whitford Chair
Messrs Allman
Minutes The minutes of last two meetings were
read & confirmed.
Gracie The transfer of Thos. Gracie & Wm. Lacey
to Liverpool in consideration of £300
Lacey & the transfer of H. J. Uren to us was
confirmed as was the engagement of
Uren Uren at £4 per week with a bonus of
£10. The Secretary's action in making
application to the League for consent
to pay Lacey £150 was confirmed.
Bonus for The Secretary was instructed to pay
Cup tie the players & trainer £5 each for the
win on Saturday last.
Cup tie The Secretary reported that the gross
receipts receipts at Oldham on Saturday
L'pool v last were £1194.19.0
Easton and at Anfield in the reserve
Reserve Central League game were £249.2.4.
The Secretary was instructed to try