166 Reports The League match & the condition of the players were reported. Team v Wm. Scott Oldham Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Browell Bradshaw Davidson Lacey Res. v L'pool Res. Berry Balmer Holbem Allan Weller Grenyer Chedgzoy Pinkney Gracie Robinson Gault Gracie The Secretary reported that L'pool enquired if we would transfer Gracie & he was instructed to write their proposal in writing. Kitchen Resolved that Southampton's request for the free transfer of Kitchen be granted. Directors to Messrs Davies & Kirkwood. L'pool Theatrical Resolved that permission be given Gala to four players to play in the match for the benefit of the Theatrical Gala. Prescot J. D. Taylor was instructed to report wire works on these players. C. H. Ashton to Jas. Johnson.