159 Director on Gate Mr. Clayton to Crewe Mr. Kelly. Transfer list The Secretary was instructed to offer. Davies Doran Meunier Continental Resolved that no continental tour Tour be under taken this Year. Dr. Baxter Resolved that the presentation to Dr. presentation Baxter be made at a dinner at the Adelphi Hotel on the 20th inst. & that Messrs Whitford, Clayton & the Secy. make the necessary arrangements. Jordan Permission to approach Rev. W. C. Jordan was granted to Southport Central. Insurance The payment of 6/6 further premium Wkmens. Compn. herein was sanctioned. Transfer of J. Y. Paterson to Edwd. Harrison shares 3 shares 289 to 289 do to J. H. Cotgreave 3do 293 to 295 do to Wm. F. Morton 3do 290 to 292 Passed William Whitford