
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
		Park January 9th 1912]

		All present except Mr. Clayton.
Minutes		The minutes of the last two meetings
		were read & confirmed.

Robinson	Resolved that Robinson's terms of
		30/- per week be accepted.

Reports		The League & Central League games were

Team v				Wm. Scott
Clapton O. 		Stevenson	Maconnachie
		    Harris 	Fleetwood	Makepeace
		Beare	Jefferis  Browell  Bradshaw  Davidson
		Reserves  Gracie  Lacey  Grenyer.

Sheffield A. 			Berry
Res.			Balmer		Meunier
		   Allan 	Weller 		Davies
		Pinkney  Gourlay  Wynre  Robinson  Chedzgoy
		Robinson Res

Directors to	Messrs Whitford, Allman, Kirkwood,
London		Wade & Wilson.

to Sheffield	Jno. Taylor & Edwin

Specl. Training	Southport on Wednesday.

Tranmere 	The Secretary reported that Manchester
Rovers		City proposed to take 200 shares in the