
		[Meeting of the Directors held at Goodison
		Park January 1st 1912]

Present		All the Directors except Dr. Baxter.

		The Emergency meeting of Friday whereat
		Mr. Kelly & the Secretary were instructed
		to go to Hull with full powers to secure
		the engagement of Thomas Browell was

		The deputation now reported that they had
		obtained the transfer from Hull City
		of Thomas Browell at £4 per week with
		a Bonus of £10 the fee to Hull City
		being £1550 with a match at Hull
		on Hull Fair day in October 1912
		with a proviso that if the gross receipts
		of such match exceed £55 our expenses
		would be paid.		Confirmed.

Hunter		The Secretary reported that Aston Villa
		asked £1500 for Hunter & it was
		decided not to negotiate.

Taylor		Jno. D. Taylor attended & was handed
		a cheque for £250.
					William Whitford