144 Directors on gate 30th Mr. Allman Jany 1 Mr. Clayton. " to Tottenham Messrs Kelly & Wilson. " to Tranmere Messrs Allman, Kirkwood & Wade. Continental The Secretary was instructed to place this Tour matter on the agenda for next meeting & meantime ask for terms. Lacey & Resolved that negotiations with L'pool Parkinson herein be discontinued. Hunter The Secretary was instructed to ascertain the lowest price Aston Villa would accept. Furr The Secretary was instructed to offer Furr 30/- to 35/- per week Robinson 10/- to 15/- per week. J. D. Taylors Resolved that the cheque for £250 be Benefit presented to J. D. Taylor at the next meeting. Transfer of Jno Davies to Kate Orrell. Shares 3 shares 15/- paid Nos. 1465 & 116/7 Passed Thos Orrell to Thomas H. Orrell 3 15/- shares 1717/1719 Passed William Whitford