140 Burton Reserve. v Bury Res. Bromilow Stockport C Plumb Meunier & Southport C Allan Weller Grenyer Chedgzoy Pinkney Gracie Robinson Gaultor Furr Directors on Gate 23rd Mr. Kirkwood 25 Dr. Whitford & 26 Mr. Wilson. to Bury Messrs Whitford, Allman, Wade & Wilson. Owers This matter was ordered to be placed on the agenda. Magner The Secretary was instructed to offer Magner for Macdonald. Also to instruct the Police to prevent spectators encroaching on the ground. and to have the Results Board altered. Transfers of B. Kelly & C. Oddy to Ruth Raw Shares 3 shares 15/- 1694 & 696/7 J. Davies to Jos. Lovelady 3 shares 15/- 197/8 & 1464 do to Elsie Tucker 3 shares 15/- 191/3 do to Jas. E. Haynes 3 shares 15/- 194/6 Billiards The use of the Directors table was granted.