
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
		Park December 19th 1911]

Present		All except Dr. Baxter.

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were read
		& confirmed.

Curry		Taylor having unfavorably reported
		on this player resolved we do

Bebington St.	Resolved Taylor visit this match
Andrews		on Saturday & report.

Gimblett	On the unfavorable report from Bolton
		resolved we do nothing herein.

3rd Division	The Secretary reported that the vote
		was against a 3rd Division.

Reports		The Secretary reported Mr. Watson's visit:
		resolved we offer Lacey in exchange
		for Parkinson.

		The League & Central League games were
		The trainers made their reports.

v Bury &			Scott
Middlesbro		Stevenson	Maconnachie
		   Harris	Fleetwood	Makepeace
		Beare   Jefferis   Parkinson or Gourlay  Bradshaw  Davidson