136 v Glossop Berry Plumb Meunier Allan Weller Grenyer Chadgzoy Pinkney Gracie Anderson Lacey Magner Res. Director to Glossop Messrs Wade & Whitford. Training for Resolved that the training for the cup Cup Tie Ties be carried on at home. Trg. Cee. The details of Home training to be settled by Messrs Whitford, Kelly, Kirkwood & Wade. Kemp This players play on Saturday was reported & it was deemed unsuitable. Bebington St. Resolved that Taylor keep this team Andrews in view. Curry Resolved that Taylor see this player play on Saturday & report. Final Tie The Secretary was instructed to obtain 24 5/- & 24 2/6 tickets. Lanc. Cup The Secretary was deputed to visit Final this tie. Ormskirk Resolved that we send a team to League Ormskirk on Jany. 20th & to try to Fixture arrange a Central League Game for Jany. 13.