132 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park December 5th 1911.] Present All the Directors except Messrs Baxter & Clayton. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Bradshaw The engagement of Bradshaw at £4 per week £10 down & a transfer fee of £1350 to Northampton was confirmed. Owers Resolved that the Secretary open negotiations with Bristol & Darlington for Owers up to £700. Hospital The Secretary reported that the collection Fund on Saturday last amounted to £20.0.6 & it was resolved to add a donation of Five guineas & send cheque for £25.5.6 to the Treasurer of the Northern Hospital. Berry's Doig Inside right fair Forshaw Centre forward fair Bailey Outside right very good Ashton Outside left very good Resolved they be kept in view & Taylor to go & report. Reports The League & Central League games were reported.