129 Director to Bkpool - Mr. Kelly J. D. Taylor Resolved that J. D. Taylor have his benefit Benefit £250 on Xmas Day when Stockport County play here in a Central League match. Owers The secretary reported that Bristol City up to asked a fee of £600; he was instructed £700 to ask Settle to see him play & report on his behaviour & to write Bristol thereon. Gymnasium Resolved that a wooden floor be laid in the Gymnasium. Middlesbro Resolved that Special trains be obtained from Darlington to Middlesbro & Manchester to Liverpool. Complimentary Mr. Helliwell's application for 30 Complimentary Tickets tickets for Saturday next was granted. Hospital Resolved that a collection be taken for Northern the Northern Hospital at Saturday's game. £5.5.0 Transfers of James Griffiths to Wm. Hunter Shares 3 15/- 97, 98 & 99 Ithel Jones to Wm. O. Roberts 3 15/- 424 to 426 Thos. H. Griffiths to Thos. Johnson 3 15/- 633 to 635 do to Robt. G. Jones 3 15/- 630 to 632 do to Thos. Prescott