128 Fixtures That the guarantee of £10 be sent to Northwich Victoria F.C. Morton That this player be left in the hands of Mr. Clayton. Kelly It was reported that Skelmersdale would not release Kelly. Berry's F.C. That this club had no match arranged for Novr. 25th. Bradbury That Aberdare asked £275 & a match at Aberdare (full League team). Resolved Mr. Clayton have him seen play on Saturday & report. Ormskirk Mr. Kirkwood reported that in his opinion Ormskirk had no players to suit us. Reports The League & friendly games were reported. Team v Wm. Scott Sunderland Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Berry or Beare Jefferis Gourlay Bradshaw Davidson Chedgzoy Res. v Blackpool Berry Balmer Meunier Allan Weller Grenyer Pinkney Lacey Gracie Burton Gault Magner Res.