125 signature & Skelmersdale's consent to Kelly playing for us on Saturday. Reports The League & Central League games were reported. The trainer made his report. Holbem was reported discharged from the Hospital. Team v West Wm. Scott Bromwich A. Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Bradshaw Burton Davidson v Northwich Bromilow Victoria Meunier Balmer Davies Weller Grenyer Chedgzoy Lacey Gracie Gourlay Gault Director on gate to Bgham Messrs Whitford & Wilson. Patterson Patterson's term of trial having been completed it was decided not to offer him an engagement. Berrys F. C. The inside right & centre forward of Berrys were reported very good & Mr. Davies (if possible) & Jno. D. Taylor were deputed to see them play on Saturday & report. Lingdale F.C. Resolved a donation of few guineas be