Goudie That Goudie was hurt early in the game.
Browell That he had heard that Hull would be
prepared to negotiate for Browell.
Resolved that negotiations be opened with
Hull & failing them that Messrs Allman,
Kirkwood, Wade & the Secretary visit
Watford & Park Royal on Saturday with
full powers.
Bradshaw The Secretary gave a full report hereon
& read copy of correspondence between
us & Sheffield Wednesday & between
Sheffield Wednesday & Northampton.
Resolved that failing a satisfactory
reply from Sheffield we pay the
transfer fee of £800 to Northampton
this week.
Fixture Chester having arranged a fixture the
action of the Secretary in arranging with
Northwich Victoria on similar terms was
Bardsley The payment of Bardsley's expenses a/c of
£7.5.3 & his transfer to Manchester City
were confirmed.
Morton This outside right of Tranmere & Kelly
Kelly right back of Skelmersdale were
reported on very favorably & the Secretary
was instructed to ask Tranmere Rovers
for permission to obtain Morton's League