121 Messrs Berry & Titley appeared before the Board as candidates for the Clerkship. Resolved that if Berry accept the position he be appointed at 27/6 per week failing him Titley at 25/- per week. Mrs. Kennedy attended to know the reason for her dismissal & for a reference. Resolved that she be informed that the Directors considered a change desirable & that the Secretary be instructed to give her a reference. The Secretary was instructed to write McKie Queens Park R re McKie Dixon Watford re Dixon Goudie & to send Settle to see Darlington play. Assessment The assessment & correspondence thereon to Income were considered and agreed as Tax affixed hereto. Bradshaw The Secretary read letter from Sheffield Wednesday requesting us not to pay the transfer fee to Northampton meanwhile. Resolved that we await further Communication. Bardsley Resolved that we cannot offer Bardsley terms as a professional. Compensation The Secretary reported the gross receipts v Newcastle which are to be pooled as follows