3 15/- 1858/60 Jno. Lorimer to Thos. Crank 3 15/- 1861 & 2144/5 do to Mary Allman 3 15/- 2146/8 do to Annie Waterworth 3 15/- 2149/51 do to Mary McNicoll 3 15/- 2152/3 & 1988 do to Ellen Crank 3 15/- 1989/91 do to Florence Green 3 15/- 1992/4 do to James Hartley 3 15/- 1995/7 Passed The Secretary's action in advertising for a match here on the 25th inst. on half gross Gate terms was confirmed. Davidson Dr. Baxter reported that the League had decided to refund £42 to Davidson on the completion of 12 months service. William Whitford