
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
		Park October 31st 1911]

Present		All Directors except Mr. Clayton.

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were
		read & confirmed.

Kivlichan	The Secretary reported his visit to
		Bradford & Kilmarnock & that the
A. Cunningham	clubs would not part with
		Kivlichan & A. Cunningham.

Marshall	That Marshall of Boness played very
		well & it was resolved that the
		Secretary go to Boness with full powers.

Holbem		Dr. Baxter reported that Holbem had been
		operated on today that no loose
		cartilage was discovered but that a
		growth under the knee joint was found
		& removed.

McConnell	McCartney not having reported it
		was decided to do nothing meantime.

Latheron	Blackburn Rovers having declined to
		treat with us for the transfer of Latheron.
		Resolved that the Secretary endeavour
		to secure Clennell up to £700.

Toward		Messrs Davies & Allman were deputed
		to see Toward play in Saturday with