108 reported to be for an overdraft up to £10,000? £12000 the minimum rate to be 4% with half percent over Bank rate. The shortages in the Gates of Septr. 30 £3.0.1 and Octr. 14 1/- were again referred to & it was resolved that the sum of £3.1.1 be written off gate receipts a/c. Chapman The Secretary reported the request by the League for particulars of our negotiation with Glasgow Rangers for the transfer of Chapman & he was instructed to reply that the terms asked were such as to preclude us from making any offer for such transfer. Use of ground An application by Kirkdale Charity A.F. Cup for Boxing morning was declined. An application for admission to 30 boys & teachers to Saturday's match was granted. Lanc. Cup The Secretary reported that the gross Oct. 23 receipts herein were £65.7.3 & that our share would be £23.9.9 and 36/- for rail fares. Transfers of Wm. McLintock to T. J. Carmen Shares 1 (15) share 1144 1 free share 2343