107 over that amount as possible. Murray The Secretary reported that Burslem were well pleased with Murray. Team v Wm. Scott Bradford Stevenson Maconnachie Harris Fleetwood Makepeace Beare Jefferis Gourlay Burton Davidson v Burslem Berry Pattison R. Balmer Allan Weller Grenyer Chedgzoy Pinkney Gracie Doran Gault Davies Reserve Director on gate Mr. Clayton to Burslem J. D. Taylor Gate arrgemts. Resolved that we continue the taking of the gates as heretofore & that H. Barker be offered an engagement Confirmed to assist therein at a fee of 7/6 per game he to be responsible under the Secretary for the gates. The Secretary was instructed to give the two clerks four weeks notice to leave & that an advertisement be inserted for a shorthand v typist - no salary to be stated. Overdraft The arrangements with the bank were