106 Messrs Clayton & Davies reported on their visit to Tranmere Rovers v Hindley Central. That none of the Hindley players were of any use to us. That Morton outside right and Rimmer Leftback were very good & should be kept in view. The games at Bolton Manchester and Goodison Park were reported. Seddon This full back of Egremont who played fairly well was thought to be too small to be of service to us. Ford centre forward and Gumbridge outside left of Tunbridge Wells were reported very good & Mr. Clayton was deputed to arrange for them to be seen play & a further report made. McConnell This centre half of Clifton villa was reported very good & A. McCartney was asked to see him play & report: and also to report on the abilities of Linfield centre forward. Latheron The Secretary was instructed to enquire if Rovers would transfer Latheron and Oldham Toward. Clifford Fulham offered £100 for Clifford & the Secretary was instructed to obtain as much