105 satisfied to have full powers. Meunier This player having requested to be placed an offer to clubs. Resolved that his application be granted & a fee of £150 placed upon him with power to the Secretary to accept less. Marshall The Secretary reported that Whilst in Scotland a centre forward of Boness named Marshall was very strongly recommended: that he had sent for J. D. Taylor to go & see him play but that Marshall did not play. Reports The Trainers made their reports. Dr. Baxter reported that Makepeace and Harris who were hurt on Saturday would probably be fit to play on Saturday next. That R. Balmer was practically sound. That Magner's knee again troubled him. That Jefferis was somewhat run down. That Dr. Broad & Murray were of opinion that Holbem had a loose cartilage in his knee; that the only cure was by an operation; that such operation would cost Thirty Guineas, that Holbem was quite willing to undergo such operation. Resolved that Dr. Baxter & Whitford confer as to the advisability of having a further consultant brought in & if necessary have the operation performed forthwith.