104 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park October 25th 1911] Present All the Directors except Dr. Baxter. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Kivlichan Resolved that the Secretary visit Bradford with the object of securing the transfer of Kivlichan (taking all risks of his being adversely dealt with by the International League Board) at a fee of about £600. The Secretary explained to the Directors the enquiry about to be held into the transfer of Kivlichan from Celtic to Bradford F.A. Pattison The engagement of Pattison from October 20th for a trial in four matches at £2 per week was confirmed. Cunningham The Secretary reported his visit to Kilmarnock James & ascertained that James Cunningham Cunningham A. was intemperate in his habits & not playing in form; that A. Cunningham was playing well but that he was not likely to leave Scotland & that his club were not disposed to part with him. The Chairman & Secretary reported his play & recommended his engagement. Resolved that if the club would negotiate that Mr. Allman & the Secretary see A. Cunningham play on Saturday & if