		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
		Park October 17th 1911]

Present		All the Directors.

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were read
		& confirmed.

Davidson	The Secretary reported appearing before
		the League & that they would give their
		decision at their next meeting.

Kivlichan	Resolved that the matter be deferred
		until after the League had considered
		the case.

Pattison	The Secretary was instructed to write
		Birmingham offering to give
		Hornby & centre forward & a full
		back a months trial.

Cunningham	The Secretary was deputed to go to
		Kilmarnock & make enquiries re
		Cunningham & if satisfactory to wire
		the Chairman & he would travel North.

Reports		The trainers made their reports.

Team v				Wm. Scott
Bolton			Stevenson	Maconnachie
		Harris		Young		Makepeace
		Beare	Jefferis   Lacey   Burton    Davidson
		Fleetwood Reserve.