
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison
		Park October 3rd 1911]

Present		All the Directors.

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were read &

Davidson	The Secretary reported a conversation with
		the League President & that the latter
		suggested that Octr. 16th at Stoke would
		be more convenient to hear as than
		the 5th inst. Resolved we concur.

Bromilow	The engagement of Bromilow at 15/- per
		week he to be allowed to follow his
		employment was confirmed.
		The Secretary was instructed to reply to
		Lingdales application for a donation for
		the loss of their players services that
		we would wait to see how he turned out.

Reports		The trainers made their reports.
Gregson		Cooke did not recommend this Rochdale
		player on a/c of his size.

		The deputation to Hull reported very
		favorably upon
		Smith Jos.	outside right	  Hull
		T. Browell	centre	   	   do
		Kivlichan	outside right	Bradford
		Buchanan	outside left	   do
		& the Secretary was instructed to