
		to have him seen again at a later date.

Reports		The trainers made their reports.
		The games of Saturday were reported.

Chairman	The Secretary read letter from the
		Chairman requesting his absence through
		illness & it was resolved that a
		letter of sympathy be written with hopes
		of a speedy recovery.

Bainbridge	The date & place of presentation to
presentation	Mr. Bainbridge were in the absence of
		the Chairman & Mr. Clayton not decided.

MacKenzie	This Cowdenbeath full back was
		unfavorably reported upon.

Saturdays	The selection of Saturdays teams
teams		was deferred to Friday evening at
		6 pm at the Bradford Hotel.

Training	Resolved that the players train at
		West Kirby on Friday & afterwards visit
		the Royal Court Theatre.

Harrop		The Secretary reported that Liverpool
Peake		would not consider the transfer of
		Harrop but would that if Peake.
		Resolved that we do not consider
		Peake but that enquiries be made
		re Wrea or McDonald.